Breweries my favourite customers
Raise a glass of something cold & wet, to those who bring Happiness and Hangovers to us all, the unwashed masses, the proletariat, the plebs. We need the escape! And, in my humble experience, all Brewers are beautiful & have their own teeth, like this fella…

Cheers, Txin txin, Salut, Salud, Yamas, Sláinte, Kanpai, Proost, Gan bei, Iechyd da. Skål, Sei gesund, Na zdrowie, Zum wohl, À votre santé, Gesondheid, Na zdravi!
(If you want a comprehensive & seemingly worldwide and all encompassing list of alcoholic salutaions, this whiskey website is what you are after.)
Brewers & distillers of this green and pleasant land, I need your help.
Please send me a foto of my heaters in situ, in your pristine clean & shiny brewing environment (?!?), to add to this page so that I can prove I mean what I say. I’ll put a link to your website so we both get a bit of G##gle-Juice.
My previous page with my former employers is just about still visible, if you’d like to see the look I am aiming for.
Love you all, love the hangovers less.
Useful Stuff for Breweries, my favourite customers.
We have spoken to dozens of brewers, through the feast times and the famine. We have learned that everybody’s applications and needs are different. Some aspects of the process are common. The need to get water from one part of your process at 70ºC, up to the boil as quickly as possible. This demand for kW of power is usually balanced with a maximum immersed length of about 1m. The more element we can squeeze into the available space, the more we are able to reduce the watt density of the elements. Thus, the less “stuff” sticks. Have a look at our Blog entry, in which I have tried to explain the importance of watt density and its relevance when choosing and using a brewery immersion heater.
Useful Brewery Heater Background information.
Industrial Heating elements are a resistance coil wire (producing heat), encased in magnesium oxide (the white powder, compacted by rolling down from 10mm to 8mm, for protection of wire & insulation purposes, bizarrely) encased in a usually stainless steel tube. For more detailed written explanation, click here. For a video explanation by some bloke with a really boring voice, click above.

Just for clarification, an Immersion Heater (see below) is 3 such elements (as image above) on a screwplug with a terminal box housing the connections. Cuz we all speak diffrent!
We really do love Brewers & Breweries. We also love to Collaborate. So please get in touch with ideas. Jamie is keen to keeplearning & evolving. 07897 246779.